Friday, August 8, 2014

Moving classrooms

My Plan for the week:

School has not begun in Nevada. The first day for teachers is on August 20th. Since last week, I have learned that I will be moving my classroom. I have received information that one of the other teachers have decided to leave and they have been replaced. It seems that when a new teacher comes in, they receive my old classroom (the classroom is not completely set up for science curriculum but works). Although I am writing this late in my week, I have been preparing my class rules and the first few weeks of school lesson plans. In addition to this and because I will be finished with this MAT degree on August 26th, I have been looking at my next program. I sincerely have a passion to teach English at the undergraduate level and understand that I can find jobs that match this desire once I receive at least 18 credit hours in English past my original Master's degree. I have applied at Northern Arizona University and hope to start with the fall term (pending my references send in the letters I have requested).  The program seems to be something I am interested in - MA in English with a concentration on Rhetorical writing as well as teaching English.

What I did/Where I went:

This week I didn't get out much. I have been relaxing as much as possible and visiting with my grandmother and my father when they come to town. I've taken advantage of the apartment complex's swimming pool and Jacuzzi as much as possible. With the new school year beginning soon, I would love to get out and go camping a few more times. The Vegas heat is killer so I have to go to an area that has lower temperatures year round. As I've discussed in the past, the grand canyon has a fantastic campground I would like to try out. The distance of travel is four hours so it's something that can't be done in a two day trip.  I just can't wait until September and October when I can take the camper 30 miles away and be nice and cool.

What I learned:

For some reason, I remember studying different types of fonts at one time. When writing a journal or blog, I have always stuck with the traditional New Times Roman font. Call me a creature of habit, but I like the way it looks and it's something I've used for years. Nothing drives me crazier than having font that is all frilly and circular. I have a problem following along and I imagine my grandmother can't read it at all. (I am a grandma's girl - totally!) In addition, as I've always known, never shift your font type. I mean, once in a while to make a point but never on a regular basis.
Google hangout - really?! I don't have time to chat with my sister across the country. I love to see her face while talking  - probably should use skype or facetime to talk with her more often. I guess with every company trying to stay up on technology, there becomes an overabundance. I'm not really interested in Google hangout. (Couldn't they have named it something more professional?!)

What I decided for my website: 

When I originally began creating my website - including last week, I thought I was going to have different pages under each page but when looking at it on my cell phone and on my ipad, I realized that the original page that had pages under it needs to be finished and then isn't often visited. It's difficult to explain but it makes sense when looking over the website. Instead of having visitors click on the actual page and then follow the subpages, I have decided to place links into the main page for the visitor to use. It seems this way, they get the full use out of my website. I should be completed with my website this week.


  1. I like your idea for links and am going to look at it now.

  2. Yes, I like those links. What are slave salt shacks?

  3. Dr. Gibson,
    What I call slave salt shacks are the slave shacks located on the islands of Bonaire Netherland Antilles. These little shacks have one window and one door. I'm not sure of the date but African Slaves were brought to the Dutch island to work the salt mines located on the island. These shacks are located between the salt evaporation ponds and the Carribean Ocean. These things are about 6 foot by 6 foot and were homes for the African Slaves brought to the island. The window looked towards the evaporation pond, whereas the door opened up to the sea.
    This is a serious reminder to those history buffs of how widespread the colonial slave trade existed.
